With flu season quickly approaching and the hot summer months underway, things are going from bad to worse and in a hurry. Because I’m sure you know…
…bacteria and viruses spread through the air. And with Air Conditioning systems working hard through the summertime, a deadly virus caught in your AC ventilation can spread through your entire home in minutes and hang in the air for hours. And even if…
…You don’t believe this virus, or any virus, is as dangerous as the media or CDC is making it out to be, do you really want to bet your family’s safety on it? That’s why…
Preparing your home with the right technology today can literally mean the difference between life and death. So on this very page…
…I’m going to tell you exactly what this incredible device is, it’s scientifically-proven technology that quickly stops and kills viruses in your home, and how it can keep your loved ones safe this year and for years to come. But before I do…
I want to quickly tell you that this relatively unknown item has gained some SERIOUS ATTENTION over the last few weeks. So much so that…
…Major publications like the BBC and LA TIMES have recently reported its effectiveness in bacteria breakdown and fighting viruses. Even major science outlets like Science Daily have reported on its…
…PROVEN success to potentially ELIMINATE the CORONAVIRUS from the AIR you breathe. This is HUGE NEWS.
The LightStick UV Uses UltraViolet Light Rays To Kill Bacteria And Viruses On Contact In Seconds
By installing the LightStick UV in your AC system, your home [1] will be better equipped to fight off dangerous bacteria and viruses.
The LightStick UV uses the exact same technology TRUSTED by Doctors and Surgeons to keep Hospitals and Surgery Rooms Disinfected. And here’s why it’s trusted…
- It Kills Germs & Microorganisms in 10 seconds or less
- Kills 99% of viruses, bacteria, allergens, mold, and fungi
- Does not use toxic chemicals
- Kills tough to beat Drug-Resistant bacteria
- Scientifically proven to be one of the safest ways to kill bacteria quickly
And the best part is that it can be installed in your AC Unit TODAY in less than one hour’s time.
And I know this probably sounds too good to be true. I get it. I’d be skeptical too if I were you. So instead of…
… going on and on about WHY it’s trusted by top-paid professionals and why you should trust it too, let me explain HOW IT WORKS and how it can keep your family safe so that YOU can make your OWN decision.
Fair? Great! Let’s get right down to it.
I would caution strongly against making blanket claims. Remember, if someone gets the cold while this device is in their house, they can sue you lol. So be careful about exactly how effective this thing is. Don’t stretch beyond the manufacturers tested results, just sensationalize the results.
The LightStick UV Uses UltraViolet Light to Kill germs, fungi, mold, bacteria, and yes, viruses.
When these microorganisms are directly exposed to ultraviolet light, their fundamental building blocks (or DNA cells) are destroyed. And once destroyed…
…the UV light prevents the cells from reproducing and causing infection. By breaking down the molecular bonds that hold viruses together, the rays from the light don’t allow bacteria to grow.
Simply put…
The LIGHTSTICK LITERALLY Zaps Germs And Viruses Into Pieces In Seconds And Stops Them From Spreading In Your Home
Pretty awesome, right!? And as I mentioned earlier…
…viruses and bacteria can linger for hours and spread through your AC unit in minutes, putting your family at risk with every breath. Which is why…
…installing the LightStick in your air conditioner can give you peace of mind every time your children and parents take a breath in your house.
And Trust Me, I Know This Is Hard To Believe. So If You’re STILL Skeptical About This Technology, Then Don’t Just take My Word For It…
Here’s a research study [1] that was done by the Medical Center at Duke University. The research found that…
UV light technology killed 98% of drug-resistant bacteria in highly infected hospital rooms.
And remember when I mentioned the HUGE NEWS earlier that I would talk more on later? Well here it is –
This study by the University of California Santa Barabara reported a 99.9% sterilization of CORONAVIRUS using UV light technology.
You see, this isn’t some Chinese market B.S that you see being sold on late-night infomercials. There is tons of proven research on UV technology and its effects on killing viruses. And yes…
…I can go on and on about the proof and studies behind the effectiveness of UV technology but I think you get the point.
And guess what? UV technology has been used for years to fight viruses, mold and bacteria.
It has been trusted for decades to disinfect water supplies, surgery tools, hospital rooms, and even dentist offices. This is no new technology! It’s tested and proven.
But why are you only hearing about it now?
The spread of the pandemic has got us all looking for answers and UV technology is in the spotlight.
Where UV Rays were only once used to disinfect places like hospitals and surgery rooms, It’s now…
…beginning to be used in everyday businesses and family homes, like yours. But what’s even more incredible is…
That devices like the LightStick are still relatively unknown to the average homeowner, like you and me. But Not For Long.
You see, people are learning about the LightStick and how it can keep their family safer. And needless to say…
…Demand Is Growing Very, Very, Quickly and it will be extremely hard to get your hands on this in a few week’s time so you must ACT NOW.
At this point, you have to ask yourself, how much is your family’s health and safety worth to you?
After all the information and proven research I’ve provided to you, you would think…
…this technology and the safety it gives your family should be worth hundreds and even thousands of dollars, RIGHT?
As a matter of fact, many of our competitors are already pricing similar devices in that range!
And in the next few weeks the prices will continue to go up as word gets out, but TODAY……YOU can have the LightStick installed in your home for a very low cost.
Hopefully you gained some valuable knowledge from this post. If you have any further questions or would like to have one of our technicians come out and give you a free quote, please feel free to contact us at 786-833-6886 or visit our website lightstick UV 2020 PROMO
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